By Fabio Alonso Vieira and Jhonata Candido   On November 25, 2022, President Jair Bolsonaro published a Decree No. 11.266/2022, which changed Decree No. 10.046/2019, which deals the governance of data sharing under the federal public administration and establishes the Citizen’s Base Register and the Center Data Governance Committee. The decree was published...

By Eduarda Mourad Baldavira and Fabio Alonso Vieira   In October 2022, Senator Alessandro Vieira (PSDB), presented Bill No. 2.628 ("Bill"), whose main premise is to guarantee protection for children and adolescents in digital environments. To reach its purpose, the Bill points out that the use of informational technology products or services by...

By Fabio Vieira and Jhonata Candido   Recently, through Artificial Intelligence, the French government discovered thousands of hidden private pools that were not taxed by the government, a fact that unexpectedly boosted French tax revenues. The Artificial Intelligence used by the French government was a software developed by Google together and the French...

By Fabio Vieira and Jhonata Candido   Early in October, the European Data Protection Board (“Board”) published Guideline nº 09/2022 (“Guideline”) regarding personal data violation notifications based on the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). According to the Guideline, a personal data violation is identified whenever the personal data security is compromised or when...

By Fabio Vieira and Eduarda Mourad   Last week, the National Data Protection Authority ("ANPD") released the Orientative Guide entitled "Cookies and Personal Data Protection" ("Guide"), in order to provide an overview of the topic, to guide processing agents about good practices on this matter and to keep data subjects informed of...

By Fabio Vieira, Eduarda Mourad, and Jhonata Candido   Since January 28, 2022, the date on which it was published on the Union Official Gazette, Resolution CD/ANPD No. 2, which approves the Regulations for the application of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law ("LGPD") for small sized data processing agents (“Regulation”), is...

By Gabriela Tchalian and Daniel Salgado   In 2021, the Plenary of the National Consumer Protection Council approved the provisional text of the new Customer Service Decree ("SAC"). The reformulation of the legislation regulating the service comes, mainly, due to the high number of consumer complaints, the growing digital transformation, and the consequent...

By Fabio Vieira and Gabriela Tchalian   Although still in formation, caselaw on privacy and data protection has just received a new precedent, Civil Appeal No. 1010253-75.2020.8.26.0019, decided on February 1, 2022, in the District of Americana, São Paulo. The plaintiff ("Plaintiff") is a natural person, whose name will not be revealed for...